Merino Kids GoGo sleeping bag review

I’ve been waiting for AGES to write this post! When Austin was a tiny little sprout I was sent some gorgeous items from Merino Kids including a swaddle and Cocooi Gown which we fell in love with. Austin would scream without his swaddle so it was a life saver! We did a review on those two items if you want to take a look here. In that parcel we also got sent a beautiful sleeping bag but we have only recently started using it as Austin clung on to the swaddle for so long. He should have moved onto a sleeping bag ages ago but he was so comfy in the swaddle, I let him have it a little longer.

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Now Austin is a little older and has (finally) made the switch he is super impressed with his new GoGo sleeping bag! We have the standard weight in Banbury. It is beautiful and so soft – this face says it all doesn’t it?!

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Merino Kids GoGo bags come in a variety of tog weights and sizes and are award-winning, 100% natural sleeping bags. The standard weight Continue reading

Titot fashion giveaway…WINNER!

Thank you so much to everyone that has entered my Titot fashion giveaway. It was my first giveaway and I have been overwhelmed with the response!!

I absolutely love Titot clothing and was thrilled to be able to offer my lovely readers the chance to win some of their items. I can now proudly announce that THE WINNER IS……. Continue reading

Winter walks and afternoon tea in the country

We had a lovely time this week visiting Jessica and Jasper from Lilypod & Sweetpea at their lovely country home. We also met with Rom and Max from Beauty Bump and Me, Donna and William from The London Mum and Sarah and Isla from Knott Bump and Us.

All the babies really love getting together and playing – I can’t wait for Austin to be big enough to sit up and join in! Jess kindly made an afternoon tea and then we wrapped up warm and went for a walk. We all did some filming and I’ve put together a little vlog of our day. Enjoy and thanks for watching!

H x

Tesco Christmas clothing haul

The large Tesco stores are fab for baby clothes lately and we have picked some of the best bits this week! I went in to buy some tops for Austin but we came out with a whole load of Christmas stuff for him too – ooops!

I am really into long sleeved vests and leggings/joggers for him and the vests we found today are perfect for the festive season! We’ve popped a video up on our You Tube channel showing you exactly what we found…

Have you picked up any Christmas clothing yet and are you braving it early like us?!

Thanks for watching!

H x

Putting the Christmas decorations up!

It may only be November but in our house that means it’s Christmas tree time! This weekend I’ve been doing some filming – you’ll see me climb up into the loft to dig out all the exciting boxes and then heading downstairs to throw some Christmas magic everywhere. It’s so exciting!

It seems I’m not alone either. A handful of people on Facebook are putting Christmas tree photos up and even more so on Instagram. What do you think about decking the halls early? Do you stick with tradition or are you like me and want them up as early as possible to make the most of it? Whatever your choice is, have fun putting up your tree this year!

Don’t forget to subscribe! Thanks for watching!! 

H x

Braun thermoscan 7 thermometer review

Did you know that a child’s temperature can mean different things depending on their age? I didn’t! Clinical research now shows that the definition of fever changes with a child’s age. What is a fever in a newborn can be a normal temperature in a four year-old. I don’t know about you, but I’m very glad I’ve found that out.

I was very happy this week when the people at Braun got in touch to ask if I’d like to trial and review their Thermoscan 7 thermometer. I nearly bit their hand off as my current one is useless!

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Since having Austin I’ve been using a no-contact infrared thermometer which I thought would be fab. The idea is brilliant, but the results not so much. It works by pointing the sensor at his head without contact, but if I try it 4 times in a row, every reading is different – and drastically so! It is an expensive thermometer from a good brand but if it cannot provide me with an absolutely accurate reading for my newborn, it might as well be in the bin.

When I worked in a nursery years ago, we always used the in-ear thermometers and they were always reliable so I have been thinking about getting one to replace my useless infrared one. As luck would have it Braun got in touch so the timing was perfect! A Braun thermometer is the no.1 choice for doctors which also puts your mind at rest immediately.

Everyone’s favourite CBeebies hunk Dr Ranj had this to say: Continue reading

The weaning diaries – Day one!

The day is finally here! We are on the weaning wagon relatively early and I’ve been so excited to see Austin’s face when he has his first taste of food. We went for it today and he seemed to love it! Obviously like all babies he is used to pushing his tongue forward to drink from a bottle, so it’s our job now to keep going with solids and teach him to keep his tongue back and swallow.

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For his first taste we went with good old carrot. I had already frozen a lot of puree last week in preparation, labelled it all up in tiny pots and put them inside a large sandwich bag in the freezer which made things nice and easy today. While he is eating such tiny amount – a teaspoon or two at most – there is little point in me making my own puree, so for my preparation I used Ella’s kitchen pouches. I froze them in ice cube sized portions which are perfect. The reason I opened pouches and froze ahead of time was because otherwise I’d end up opening a fresh pouch each day and nearly the whole thing would go to waste. This way I can grab a freezer pot in the morning and let it defrost on the kitchen side or in the changing bag if we’re out of the house. The perfect portion would then be defrosted and ready to eat at room temperature by lunchtime. Clever, innit?!

I have recorded a little vlog of Austin’s first day on our You Tube channel, which you can view here:

I’m really excited to carry this on and see how he progresses and whether he becomes someone that loves his food like me or is a little fusspot. Although I can safely say that after I’ve had 10 years working as a nanny, I know every trick in the book and he won’t get away with any dinner time mischief on my watch! Poor kid….

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Thanks for reading 🙂

H x


My first giveaway! Titot baby fashion clothing

I’m so excited for this one – we’re running our first ever giveaway! We have some really beautiful handmade clothing that we think you are going to love, so why not enter?! You are allowed multiple entries for even more chance!

We are giving away a mustard chevron baby/child’s scarf, grey deer slippers, a grey and black bird soft beanie and Christmas slipper/shoes


head over to MY INSTAGRAM PAGE now to find out how to enter. It’s SO simple, you’d be crazy not to have a go! Have you SEEEEEEN the Christmas slippers?!

The competition is open worldwide, sizes starts at 0-3 months and if you win you will receive these items completely free of charge. Competition closes 26th November at 8pm and the winner will be announced on the blog and Instagram within 48 hours.

Good luck!!

H x


Christmas clothing haul Vlog

I’m getting used to this filming lark! Today’s vlog is all about Christmas jumpers – the tackier the better, right?! Austin and I have built up quite the collection so thought we’d take you through them and where we found our bargains.

Don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe – thanks so much for watching! 🙂

H x

Autumn/Winter wish list

Now the Spring/Summer clothes have left the shops it’s time to dream about all the Autumn/Winter clothes we want. Yay! This year’s A/W collections are particularly cosy and I really like the winter woodland animal theme this season for kids. Here is a little look at my wish list for A/W ’14

autumn winter wishlist, clothes, fashion

TillTwelve grey owl all in one £38.25 – I love the pattern on this one. I’ve got a real thing at the moment for footless all in ones with cosy socks!

Teepee Tots&Co moose leggings £22 – Teepee Tots is one of my favourite brands on Instagram. Austin has their Geo Bear, Fox and Lion leggings and we can’t wait to add the moose ones to his collection! Continue reading