Love the little things, Week 8

It’s Friday already! Time For my #Littleloves from this week. Why not read how to join in and have a go. Click here to find out more!


We received an amazing letter this week from my husband’s mother’s cousin. That sounds fairly distant but the family are very close. It was a letter to Austin for him to read when he is older, full of words of wisdom and advice for him as he grows up. It was so lovely I was in tears by the last page!



GBBO is back! I do love it and I’m very pleased to see it’s return, although I haven’t been able to settle in to this series properly as it’s on at the same time as Austin gets cranky and needs putting to bed. I must make an effort to record it and watch it when I have more time the next day.



Autumn is here! Well, it certainly feels that way anyway. This week I started to put my summer clothes in the loft and bring down the Autumn and Winter selection. Here are a couple of examples of the outfits I’ve trotted out in over the last few days.

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Lets first get something straight – I’m not a fan of Cher Lloyd, I’ll be honest. I loved her on The X Factor but I’ve seen her on many TV interviews and she always comes across as total twonk, even recently when insisting she’s become less twonkish. She hasn’t . However that being said, I’m in love with her latest!


I always fail so massively on this one! I used to bake and cook lovely meals, but since being pregnant I’ve been useless!

I’ve made enquiries about a holiday! That counts and I won’t hear you say otherwise…

And lastly…

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My Autumn #OOTD

It’s officially Autumn! It’s definitely the best season for clothes and this week I have been up in the loft packing away the summer wardrobe and bringing down the mustards, chunky knit scarves, leopard print and winter Mulberrys.


mulberry, bayswater, ootd, autumn, winter


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Here is my outfit of the day – a mustard 3/4 length sleeve cardigan from H&M, a black vest from Whistles, a leopard print infinity scarf from Warehouse and a Mulberry Bayswater. All combined with simple black leggings from Sainsbury’s.

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I really miss mustard! I don’t think it works well in Spring or Summer so I’m always excited to have it back and it signals the countdown to Christmas. Time to get the mince pie scented candles out, wouldn’t you say?

Do you alternate your wardrobe for the seasons? If so, have you made the change yet or stil hoping Summer will return?

Thanks for reading!


Love the little things, Week 7

So, it has been a long while since I last joined in on Love The Little Things. I think you can probably excuse me though since I had a baby!!! Gorgeous little Austin Felix is 7 weeks old today and he is the little thing I love the most!

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Here is a peek into what Austin and I have loved this week. If you fancy joining in, why not head over to Morgana’s blog by clicking right there on her name to see how!



I took some time out the other night for the first time since the baby arrived and it was lovely! I only read a couple of baby magazines but it was really nice to have a little time to myself while Austin hung out with daddy.

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After being a very busy new mummy having lots of lunches and coffee, I’ve spent this week at home watching lots of rubbish TV. Bliss! Mostly I have been catching up on Teen Mom and also my new obsession – Catfish! Good old MTV.



To match my new hobby of staying at home being a slob, I have dressed accordingly. Grant’s clothes and a top knot are very appropriate, don’t you think?!

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Austin however, has been as fashionable and presentable as ever in skinny jeans and skulls. He’s been mainly channeling his inner goth this week and we love it.

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I think I’m about ten years behind the rest of you, but now that I seem to be addicted to MTV I have heard a lot of this song lately. Not my usual style but it’s very catchy!



Another thing this week I have done for the first time since Austin arrived is make myself a long hot bubble bath and it was so good! A perfect opportunity to use some of the lovely shower gel I was given at my baby shower. Something else Grant and I got round to this week was making Austin a reading corner in his bedroom. We can’t wait to start reading to him now!

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And lastly…

I have been on Weight Watchers since the birth and in 6 weeks I have lost 2 and a half stone. Not bad if I do say so myself! I got so big before I gave birth, so it’s nice to see my weight going down again. I’m another 2 and a half stone from where I’d like to be, but I’m determined to be most of the way there by Christmas. Are any of you on Weight Watchers? Do you have any great tips?

Thank you for reading – see you next week!

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Austin’s #BOOTD

Austin is finally big enough to be in more than just babygrows and sleepsuits – hurrah! I have an amazing wardrobe for him and I love being able to get them on him now he’s putting on weight. It was sad to put away his premature clothes but lovely to see him in some real boy’s clothes too.

Today Austin is in black and skinny jeans

funky giraffe, bella, baby outfit of the day

He is wearing a t-shirt that is actually labelled as a girl’s t shirt, from Bella+Canvas in LA (I know, right?!)

His ‘skinny jeans’ are actually jeggings, also from the girls section but in Next.

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His dribble bib is from my favourite bib company Funky Giraffe. They have such a brilliant range of fashionable and alternative bibs and at great prices too. Austin has a collection of maybe 30 bibs from there, but as a collicy/reflux baby we get our monies worth as he goes through about 10 a day!

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The thing I have found most frustrating about dressing a boy is not being able to find all of the pieces of clothing I’d like to be able to on the high street or in supermarkets. There are some fab places like GAP, Zara etc but there just aren’t enough ‘cool’ clothes for boys about. If you really search online for independent stores (usually in America, hence his t-shirt being from LA) you will find some, but they are expensive and then you have the shipping and customs costs. I can’t tell you how long it took me to find a plain black t-shirt or vest for a baby. I know black is hardly traditional but I was very surprised there were next to none. There was plenty from 6 months up, but nothing for a little baby.

Nevertheless I always manage to find what I want for him and these days I put more effort into putting together his outfit each day than I do for myself! After all, a baby has to match!

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Have you found any places to buy boys clothes that aren’t covered in the usual trains, planes or cars?! If so I’d love to hear where!


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Colic. What is it and how do you solve it?

Poor little Austin has been hit with the dreaded colic. At least I think it’s colic….

From what I have read, colic seems to be pretty much a made up illness. No one seems to know exactly what it is or what causes it. All the diagnosis states is that if a baby cries for hours on end for most of the week, it’s colic. The baby is clearly uncomfortable in some way as they also arch their back etc, but no one seems to know why they do it or how to stop it. Another theory is that the baby is uncomfortable due to being sensitive to the lactose in formula milk, but again this has little evidence to support it.

Austin started off recently with constipation but he has now been suffering with this supposed colic and also from what I think is trapped wind. He became hard to wind all of a sudden and got painful and upset after feeding as well as crying all day, no matter what we did or how we held him. None of the usual tricks to soothe him worked anymore which as a parent is so distressing. This last week he has been inconsolable all day long. The only way he settles is at night when the room is very dark and he is swaddled, or sometimes lying on his front in the daytime. I feel so sorry for him and do get quite upset as there’s nothing I can do to stop him from screaming in pain. It’s not nice to watch at all!

We’ve had all kinds of helpful advice from friends, families and doctors such as:

  • It could be lactose intolerance so watch out for that
  • It could be reflux, so watch out for that
  • If it’s colic, try changing to the next size teats
  • If it’s colic, try changing to Dr Brown’s bottles
  • If it’s colic, try infacol, colief or gripe water
  • If it’s colic, try Comfort milk

The list goes on….

Knowing what to listen to and in which order to try all these things is quite stressful at what is already a very stressful time, as you’re not sure what to do for the best. We decided to go with what the doctor suggested first and see where that took us. She told us to try Comfort milk as this is made specifically for colic and constipation. It has less lactose in than regular formula, so hopefully Austin would be able to digest it better. She also said to try infacol and baby massage too.


After nearly a week of solid crying and no sleep, we started the Comfort milk. The doctor said it could take up to a week to work but that seemed too long. I wanted to try some other steps at the same time to try and speed up the process, mainly as I was desperate to make Austin more comfortable and get him back to his old self and secondly because I was desperate for sleep!

We changed up to a bigger teat as this milk is a thicker consistency, so they suggest to do so. It turns out he drunk much quicker and easier from the larger size, so I wondered if he needed to change up to that size anyway. I was pleased as if babies are on a teat that’s too small it can also create wind from sucking so hard, so hopefully that might reduce his wind now too.

We have always used Avent bottles, but after 24 hours on the new milk and no change, I thought maybe giving Dr Brown’s bottles a go might be a good idea. I borrowed some from my sister-in-law but we didn’t have the right size teats, so thought I would go out the next day to buy some. That evening I took apart the bottles and read up on how to use them properly. What a faff!

dr brown, colic, anti colic


They have so many parts that need to be hand washed properly and also have certain rules about how much milk should be sitting in the middle part as well as having a little travel cap to use so they don’t leak when you’re out etc. At a time when I was already exhausted, complicated and hard to clean bottles were the last thing I needed! I thought I was desperate to try them but after reading up on them I wasn’t so sure. I changed my mind and decided to wait another couple of days and see how Austin was, then use the bottles as a last resort if needed. I know a lot of you will absolutely swear by Dr Brown’s and I’m not bashing them at all as they’re supposed to be great. I’m just pretty lazy (we use the dishwasher to clean our Avents) so they’re simply not for me!

As it happened, we woke up 2 days after starting the comfort milk and Austin had an amazing day! He seemed back to himself, sleeping soundly between feeds and was happy when he was awake. Hallelujah! Maybe this milk really does work!! During that same day I tried infacol a few times but again, wasn’t a fan.

infacol, colic

I found that where Austin would usually burp air after a feed, this was making him burp with sick. Sticky, gooey sick. Nice. Needless to say I gave up on that quite quickly.

Since no one really seems to swear by either one in particular, I decided to try gripe water instead. It can be added to the milk which is quick and easy, plus it’s not gooey like Infacol and doesn’t require the mess of using a syringe. The first feed I tried, Austin was back to burping air so I think it suits him best too.


So far, my combination of Comfort milk, the next size teat and gripe water at every other feed is working a treat. I don’t want to jinx it but he seems pretty much back to normal! He’s still a little grizzly and arches his back when you try and wind him, but he will now settle to sleep in between daytime feeds (albeit on his front) and he’s passing a lot more wind rather than it all being trapped like before. He definitely still has trapped wind, but nowhere near as bad as before.

Oh and for the constipation – a mixture of the new comfort milk, plus sugar water has sorted that problem right out! I wasn’t keen on the sugar water idea but so many people (and doctors) say it’s guaranteed to work. I just had to try it for his sake as he was so sore and unhappy with it. I mix a big pinch of brown sugar into 3oz cooled boiled water and within a few hours he does a whopping great poo! (He’s going to kill me for writing this when he’s older).

Fingers crossed we might be lucky enough for the milk and gripe water to be enough to sort him. I know lots of people have to try every single product and still get no joy, then to be told it may be reflux or lactose intolerance or worse.

Has your baby had any of these issues? If so, how did you fix it?


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Merino Kids swaddle and gown review

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A few weeks ago a beautifully wrapped parcel arrived at First Time Mummy HQ from the lovely people at Merino Kids. It contained the Cocooi swaddle and gown bundle which I couldn’t wait to try! The swaddle came in the ‘Turtle Dove’ blue colour and the gown came in the ‘Banbury’ blue colour. Perfect for my little boy Austin to try out!





Ever since Austin was in hospital he has loved being swaddled. He has always been a very easy baby and sleeps lots, but his Moro reflex constantly wakes him up. The Moro reflex (also known as startle reflex) is an infantile reflex normally present in all infants/newborns as a response to a sudden loss of support, when the infant feels as if it is falling.

My main concern after leaving hospital and swaddling him at home was the heat. It was the middle of July and the Gro-Egg in our bedroom was reading 28.5 degrees! We had a large fan on at night times to make it feel cooler, but deciding what to dress Austin in was a constant worry. However, after chatting to the Merino Kids team, I found out that their special products made from Merino wool actually regulate the baby’s temperature, meaning they are kept cool in the heat and kept warm when it’s cold. For me and Austin in this heat it sounded like a miracle!

The clothing came in really attractive packaging, cute little branded muslin bags and also had fantastic instruction leaflets and care labels. After emailing Merino Kids to ask some questions, I was extremely impressed at their response. They could not have been more helpful, offering amazing advice, reassuring me about swaddling in the heat, sending links to video tutorials and offering to chat to me on Skype to show me the correct way to swaddle and to chat further. Amazing customer service!

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After talking to them I got to straight to it, wrapping Austin up in the beautiful turtle dove swaddle for a daytime nap. I set him down in the moses basket and within seconds he was sound asleep and had no disturbances from the startle reflex. He slept perfectly for the next 4 hours – I was sold!!

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Most importantly for me, was his temperature. The day we first tried the merino swaddle, our thermometer in the lounge read 27 degrees. To wrap him up in this way seemed insane, but the merino wool really did what it said on the tin. I tested Austin throughout his sleep and he didn’t once go above 37.5 degrees. I know the merino wool was what was regulating his temperature and keeping him stable as previously I had used blankets or muslins which caused his temperature to go to 38 degrees or above before I removed them.

I have used this swaddle every night since it arrived and I now can’t live without it! Two days ago I tried putting him down at night in a regular baby grow but he wouldn’t settle as his arms were loose. As soon as I wrapped him in the swaddle he fell asleep for the night. Perfect product or what!? The only downside is that I only have one of them – sometimes Austin is sick in his sleep at night and if lots of sick goes on the swaddle, it needs to be removed and washed. I need to get myself a second one for these situations pronto!!

Now for the gown…

The gown is made from the same material and can be worn underneath a sleeping bag during sleep times, or just as a mini outfit itself. I tend to use it during the day when Austin isn’t swaddled (I only swaddle him at night so that during the day his arms get to move around freely). As it’s been so hot, having a piece of merino wool clothing for the daytime is a life saver. He lies around in it happily – his legs are not restricted and he is still able to kick around inside the gown and all the while has a stable temperature. Once Austin is big enough to use a sleeping bag I plan to dress him in the gown and then put him in the sleeping bag. Here is Austin enjoying testing out the gown!

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Overall both products have been absolutely perfect, especially in the summer as it can be very easy to worry about newborns getting too hot. I also know that when winter arrives, they will be great for keeping him nice and warm too!

I cannot recommend them enough. I was too worried to continue swaddling due to it making Austin’s temperature rise, but now I have a merino one I have no worries at all. It means he can sleep soundly and it enables me to relax.

Click here to take a look at the Merino Kids website and the huge range of gorgeous products they sell.

I will very soon be reviewing their GoGo bag sleeping bag, so watch out for that post too – I’m certain it will be just as much of a hit in our house as the swaddle and gown have been. Austin can’t wait to try it!

My merino swaddle is amazing at keeping Austin sleeping peacefully for longer. However I have recently purchased a special baby sleeping pillow, which when combined with the swaddle means at 4 weeks old Austin now only wakes up once at night! To find out what my super newborn sleeping combo is, stay tuned for the pillow review soon!

Do you own any merino wool products, or have you tried Merino Kids?


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*Merino Kids sent me these items for review purposes, but that in no way reflects my write up. Views are entirely my own.

Baby bonbon review – Pre loved baby bargains!

As a new mummy, I’m learning babies are expensive. The amount of clothes they get through is obscene – not to mention the fact they only last a month or two before they get too small! It makes you sometimes wonder whether spending a lot of money on clothes from designer places or high street stores is worth it and maybe it’s best just to buy everything from the local supermarket clothing section. Don’t get me wrong, I love a bit of George, TU or F&F, but sometimes you want to splash out on the high street at places like Baby Gap, Jo Jo Maman Bebe or Mothercare as their baby clothes can be too cute to resist!

I’ve discovered a great place to pick up pre-loved baby clothes at a fraction of their original cost. A place called Baby Bonbon! Click Here for a little bit about the company and to see why they set up shop.


Baby bonbon got in touch and very kindly sent me a lovely baby grow as an example of what they are selling.  It was originally from Next but had been pre loved. There was absolutely no way I could tell it was second hand when it arrived, other than the fact it had no original tags. It was a spotless, gorgeous piece of clothing and I can’t wait until Austin is big enough to try it on!

Head over to their website and check out the clothes they have available right now. I’ve had a look and already want to fill my shopping basket – especialy with these gorgeous little boots for only £1.99!!



Or maybe you have a little girl and fancy a pretty dress or some cute little vests?



They also have available some great accesories such as mobiles and baby carriers all at fantastic prices. If you have a little one and fancy a browse, check out their website and see what bargains you can grab while they’re there!

Have you found any bargainous places to buy baby bits?