My Autumn #OOTD

It’s officially Autumn! It’s definitely the best season for clothes and this week I have been up in the loft packing away the summer wardrobe and bringing down the mustards, chunky knit scarves, leopard print and winter Mulberrys.


mulberry, bayswater, ootd, autumn, winter


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Here is my outfit of the day – a mustard 3/4 length sleeve cardigan from H&M, a black vest from Whistles, a leopard print infinity scarf from Warehouse and a Mulberry Bayswater. All combined with simple black leggings from Sainsbury’s.

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I really miss mustard! I don’t think it works well in Spring or Summer so I’m always excited to have it back and it signals the countdown to Christmas. Time to get the mince pie scented candles out, wouldn’t you say?

Do you alternate your wardrobe for the seasons? If so, have you made the change yet or stil hoping Summer will return?

Thanks for reading!


14 thoughts on “My Autumn #OOTD

  1. Love the inspiration to Autumn Hannah – thank you for sharing. Yes i can’t wait to put away summer and embrace the winter wardrobe once again. I love wearing boots of all kinds so thats always a plus !!!


  2. Very organised! I do normally alternate but this year I’m just having to wear anything that fits -7 months pregnant with second child and def bigger this time! Can’t wait for some big cosy jumpers though xx


  3. I love autumn and I’m so excited for Christmas too! Loving the mustard, and the mulberry too! I have been terrible at getting clothes for Indie for autumn, but she’s got to be in season so they’re all necessary haha xx


  4. Wow! I don’t have enough clothes to be able to put things away for the change of season. I tend to just layer up for the autumn and spring and then have a few things that only come out for summer or winter. One of these days I’ll have a wardrobe overhaul and an excuse to go clothes shopping 🙂

