How to get a half price frappuccino at Starbucks! #frappuccinohappyhour

I heard about a half price offer on my favourite ever drinks, so of course I headed straight down there with my sister after our picnic at the park. When I arrived we bumped into our auntie, cousin and their baby and had a quick catch up!

starbucks, family, chocolate, frapuccino, mint choc chip, babies

Now down to business…

About 8 years ago when I lived in London, I used to pretty much live off the mint choc chip fraps until Starbucks grew an evil streak and took them off the menu. Not gonna lie, it was the worst day of my life. They also discontinued the chocolate chips (or java chips as they called them), meaning I couldn’t add them to any other flavour either. Unacceptable. Every time I have been to Starbucks since – which is quite a lot, but obviously not as much since they ruined my life by taking away my favourite drink option – I ask if the java chips have come back yet. Every time they say no and my heart breaks a little bit more.

As I went to order my half price frap this week, I thought I’d ask again even though I’ve been getting the same answer for nearly a decade. To my surprise they said yes!!! I nearly kissed the strange looking student behind the till. I think they have them back in stock due to the new-ish flavour mocha cookie crumble, but who cares why, THEY’RE BACK IN STOCK!!

The mint choc chip flavour is still not on the menu, but I can beat those Starbucks fat cats by making it myself. I ordered a vanilla cream frap (large, obvs) with peppermint syrup and chocolate chips. The lovely barrista lady even added chocolate sauce in too! I think she could sense my excitement and quite rightly was probably a little bit scared of the fat pregnant woman screaming for her custom made heart attack in a cup. I took a sip and I nearly fell over. It tasted just like it used to in London and what has been a distant memory for all these years.

starbucks, mint choc chip, frapuccino, chocolate

Not gonna lie, I went back the next day and got another. And still half price. Am I dreaming? Is this whole situation real?! I will most likely get one every single day for the rest of my life (or at least until the half price offer runs out). Maybe just until this baby comes out – at least while he’s still living in me I have an excuse for drinking 48,000 calories per day. Once this baby comes out, I’ve got nothing. I’m just a fat woman drinking herself into a sugar coma.

Now – I know what you’re thinking. How do you get yourself a half price frap? Simply walk into Starbucks between 3-5pm (or until 6pm if you have a Starbucks card) until 25th May and give your order. Really is that easy! I strongly suggest you order the mint choc chip creation and you can thank me later.


Binky Linky

10 thoughts on “How to get a half price frappuccino at Starbucks! #frappuccinohappyhour

  1. Sounds amazing and definitely get your fill while you can! We have a drive through Starbucks so I might have to swing by and try this creation, I’m not a big coffee drinker so don’t go often but when the summer drinks are back I’m usually there!


    • Same, I don’t drink tea or coffee at all – I’m just a frapaholic! At nearly £4 a go though it’s an expensive drink so I don’t go that often. Now they’re half price and im not on a diet for once, they can’t get rid of me!!

