Why after nearly a year of blogging, I’m taking a break….

I’m not really sure how to write this post. I’ve been meaning to write it for days….

The thing is, I’ve decided to take a large step back from the blogging world for a little while. My blog started when I was pregnant and so far has seen and taken note of almost everything Austin has done, what we’ve been up to, how he’s developing with food etc And that’s why taking a break has been a very hard decision. There will be a big chunk of his life missing from the blog and it was originally started as something for him to read back on, so I feel that will be a shame.

The other side of things is that I feel I’m spending too much time on my phone and laptop. I always said to myself that as soon as I feel that way, I’ll stop for a while. If he naps in the day or after his bedtime I’m usually blogging/editing/filming/replying to a PR’s email from days ago – the list goes on. That only takes a certain amount of time, but it’s added to the million other things we have to do online these days – banking/emails/social media etc. As much as I have loved blogging (I really have), I feel like, along with everything else online, it’s consuming me a little. Sometimes when Austin naps, I quite fancy going to cook some food for him to freeze, or hanging the washing out, or putting his old clothes in the loft (sob) – you know, mum jobs. I always ignore these and find myself rushing to get online before he wakes up. I am prioritising the wrong things and find myself getting stressed about that, as I’d much rather concentrate on being a mum at the moment and sticking the laptop in the bin! When I said the wrong things, I mean wrong for me personally.

The things that make me happier should be top of my list right now. It may sound like I’m being dramatic – blogging and online banking is hardly the hardest job in the world, but I’ve always been old-fashioned and really do prefer the simple things sometimes. A lot of it comes from my old career as a nanny – I’m used to spending my days with babies, painting, baking, playing, colouring and I want to get back to that for a while with no distractions!

Anyone that blogs knows it takes time to create and edit posts, vlogs and everything else that comes with blogging – I knew that when I started but lately I feel like when I return, I’ll have had time to reassess what I want to do with my blog, which direction I want it to go in and how much time I’ll spend doing it. When I was pregnant, I just started documenting, but now that’s it’s grown a lot I need to work out where I’m going to take it next.

I’ve noticed that there can be so much pressure as a blogger – an insane amount! You should post every day to maximise exposure, get PR’s interested, get your stats higher, Tweet all the time….. Are you exhausted yet?! I do understand all that though, I’m just not sure a big successful blog is what I’m interested in anymore. What’s all this ‘like for like’ ‘follow for follow’ business as well?! Don’t people want others to read their blog because they enjoy it, or would they rather have fake likes to up their numbers?

I’ve found, sadly, the blogging community can sometimes be very fake and that’s not enjoyable for me at all. The majority, and those I keep up with on social media, are absolutely lovely but as with everything in life, there’s always a few that ruin it for the rest. I don’t enjoy being around fake people and fake things so maybe when I return I should steer clear of some of the Facebook blog groups. I  love some of them, they have a great social presence, the admin can be vey sweet and they really do help grow readers, but some of them are just full of the usual “Leave your Twitter page below and people will follow, you also MUST follow the 5 above you”.  I get why people want to do it, as stats are key when growing a blog, but that’s not me – I don’t want to be following a load of unrelevant, boring people just because they follow me back! Anyway, I digress….

Talking about how much time the internet takes up sounds silly as I see mums with 3 kids, twins, a full-time job and a husband away at sea who still blog daily, bake a cake and do the school run! I’ll be honest, I have absolutely no idea how they manage it – they’re superhuman, I swear! Amazing mummies! I’m very lucky to have my husband working from home, so he’s around with us all the time. You’d think that’d give me more time to blog as he can watch Austin but actually I find it makes it harder. If I am on my computer too much, I find that I would rather be making the most of the time we have as all 3 of us.  If all 3 of us are around all the time, I can get internet guilt. Why am I rushing online all the time when I could be relaxing and enjoying my family? It’s mad because I have more time than anyone – no job, a cleaner, husband at home – but whatever my reason, something is telling me to take a step back from the internet for a while.

Whilst on holiday recently, I realised how nice it was to be away from my laptop, phone and decent wifi. Basically the modern world. Do you know what? Grant and I talked more than we have in years! Nothing exciting, just chit-chat throughout the day, but in our house at home the internet and modern lifestyle definitely gets  in the way sometimes.

Family time by the pool

Family time by the pool

Do you ever find you both sit at home staring at your phones and forgetting to talk?!

It definitely happens with us lots and my blogging definitely adds to that. I’ve decided that I’m going to enjoy my family a little and stay away just for a bit. It’s a very hard decision as I absolutely love my blog and it’s something I’m very proud of.

Do you ever feel like you want to take a step back from the modern world, grab a pen and paper and do things the old-fashioned way? If so, you’ll know where I’m coming from.

Thank you to each and every one of you that reads my blog every week – if you enjoy it, please do stay following me as I’ll definitely be back. My Weekend Baby Style linky is the one thing I am absolutely certain will be staying. I started it only 11 weeks ago (terrible timing to take a break, right?!) And I absolutely LOVE it. It’s insane how much it’s grown and it’s something I’m going to really, really miss until I’m back! Fortunately, I roped in a co-host recently, a bloody good one at that. Sarah from Knott Bump & Us will be keeping it warm on her own – please keep linking up and give her some support, she looked after it alone whilst I was on holiday and did a fantastic job!

WBS3_zpscxyafxqgMost importantly I will definitely be staying on Instagram (and my personal FB page)  just as much as ever so please stay with me there, I can’t vanish completely, now can I? 🙂

Processed with VSCOcam

Love ya and thanks for reading. See you soon!

34 thoughts on “Why after nearly a year of blogging, I’m taking a break….

  1. Hannah I could of wrote this post myself. It’s amazing how we forget to do the little things that make us happy such as spend time with your family and not constantly looking at your phone. I’m so guilty of trying to rush and blog etc before Jacob is sleeping. I haven’t had time to bake for my family or I seem to be rushing all the time.
    My husband and I was talking about this last night and I’ve decided to slow down.
    I’m from a social work background and I feel like I need to focus on my family (not that I haven’t been) but take time and like you said play lots more, crafts Ect.
    Great post! Have a lovely break hun and enjoy all the little things.

    Stacey xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • The weeks go by so fast and I realise I haven’t played with Austin as much as I’d have liked – he’ll be 18 and I’ll realise it all went by too quick. Thanks so much for reading, see you soon! Xx


  2. Will be sad to see you go and look forward to your return! I completely understand the pressures of blogging, I had no idea how quickly things would escalate when I started to make a real go of it, I only manage 3 posts a week at the mo, I have no idea how people manage so much more! I am a huge fan of #weekendbabystyle so thanks for starting it. 😊 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww thanks Kay 😊 Same for me – it escalated quickly and just want to get back to normal life without being dependant on the computer for a while. Thanks so much for reading – looking forward to seeing you still link up each week 😊😊xx


  3. Oh Hannah, this made me well up! I too feel the same pressures and agree that the Internet takes over. Can’t wait to talk to Jon on our holiday! Your blog will be missed but I’m so glad you’re staying on Insta, I need my fix of Austin hehe xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww thanks!! Yeah it gets a bit much sometimes and I just want to slow down a bit. Seems so many people can relate! I’ll definitely still being insta – not sure I could live without that! 😂xx


  4. I totally agree with you. I blog as kind of a diary for Indie and I. I don’t try and gain followers, I simply connect with other mums who I enjoy reading there blog and hope that mine will offer someone a bit of an insight into my life too. I find myself reaching for my phone for social media whenever Indie naps and realise that I could be doing much more important things during that time and so made a promise to myself that I will only blog in the evenings once little ones asleep and turn off notifications throughout the day now so I’m not tempted to keep checking. If I have some time left when indies asleep I do sit down and enjoy a good old browse on social media, but I do prefer to go back to basics now and just really enjoy the present. Xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah I think I might blog now and again to record things, but not sure I’ll be chasing reviews or trying to increase stats etc – it’s just not for me. Good idea to turn off notifications I like that! Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xx


  5. I can totally understand. I sometimes find myself stressing trying to get things done when Indianas awake as I’ve got so much to do! And I’m definitely on my phone far too much on the evenings when jacks home. I’d love to take a break but I think I want to carry on for a little bit longer. I know once #2 is here it’ll all go downhill naturally haha, so I might as well wait until then xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Crazy how fast the time goes when you’re online! Yes I agree, once a second one came along I’d have absolutely no hope at keeping a blog properly!! I’d write in it once in a while if I wanted to record things, but chasing stats and doing reviews to deadline would be a thing of the past! Xx


  6. I understand this too. I find the blogging pressure very weird and have been up and down with it for two years. All these mummy bloggers writing, photographing, sharing every minute detail of their lives. I get that for many it’s something they love to do to support their family income and to share stories. But it’s so easy to get swept up in things. I found myself looking at my phone to see photos of people I don’t know, people who don’t read my blog or comment on anything I say, I’m checking my Instagram feed while cooking tea or relaxing when there’s other stuff to do. Twitter is the same. Some bloggers are on it 24/7 and I find that hard to keep up with. I started my blog to write. As a place to put my writing. I’ve used Lent as an excuse to step back and refocus – to get away from the ‘you must get so many views or likes’ or you must link up to xx every week. I run a business from home which I’ve neglected due to blogging. My thoughts are always about finding time to blog and frankly I don’t have the time that other mums do and I have to accept that. Blogging is also about commenting and I really don’t have time to read random posts and add comments just to up stats. I find that is so fake. So then I’m a ‘bad blogger’! I also find the blogging world littered with fakeness and pressure on other mums. People sharing pictures sometimes comes across as boastful. I have a handful of go-to blogs who I have built up a relationship with but I’m not fussed about being a super blogger. I want to enjoy the moment rather than thinking ‘thisll make a good post or a great picture’. I will still blog but I will write and share when I want to and I won’t worry about the social media. If people want to read it they can. Enjoy your break however long that is and know it’s here when you are ready x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you 😊 there’s no way in the world I could keep up with Twitter – I’m obsessed with insta and I don’t mind that as it’s the only social media place I stick to. That’s fine on its own as I can check it in 5 minutes a few times a day. Blogging etc is what takes the extra time up and even though I love it I’m just not going to chase reviews or try and up stats anymore. I think I’ll come back to write, which is why I started. I’ll still share my posts but won’t get bothered if no one reads it or if numbers are low as that’s not why I’ll be doing it. Sounds like so many people are the same! We can’t all be super bloggers and that’s ok 🙂 xx

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I get this completely. I started my blog 4 years ago before the blogging world got so huge. I’m just not interested in the whole other side. The promotion stuff seems a waste of time to me unless it’s your job. I just really enjoy writing and memory keeping so I keep going:) Good luck with your new plan!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Exactly 🙂 Super bloggers that can fit it all in amaze me but I can’t do it at all. I’ll come back to enjoy writing and record things. I’ll still share my posts probably incase they help others with certain subjects but I won’t be looking at my stats at all x


  8. I totally know what you mean. I feel the same. Ive been doing Rosalie’s weekly videos and I’m like where the hell have the last 5 weeks gone!! You feel like your rushing to get a post up in line with your schedule and your missing baby time. Im glad you were brave enough to make this choice and I wish you all the happiness on your break. Happy family time.


    • It’s mad how quick the weeks go. I still totally love my linky but think that has been the thing that makes me go Wow time is going by so quickly, I need to slow down!! Thank you and I’m glad I can keep up with you on insta 😃xx


  9. I totally, TOTALLY get where you are coming from.

    I recently wrote a very similar post (it’s here if you want to read: http://www.tinyfootsteps.co.uk/2015/02/stepping-back-and-being-present.html)

    But the long and short of it was that I felt like I was spending every minute blogging or doing something for the blog. I decided I wouldn’t give it up but just blog as and when I feel like it. I have been so much happier since I made that decision.

    I hope the break does you good too.

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

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  10. I took a good break over Christmas. It does you the world of good and let’s you focus on what you really want for your blog. Don’t feel guilty, just let your mind mellow for a while x

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Couldn’t agree more Hannah!
    I was just thinking the other day once mark & I get Noah off to bed we sit at opposite ends of the sofa glued to our phones. You nip on for 5 Minutes & before you know it it’s bed time & you haven’t said a word to one another.
    Enjoy your time as a family.
    I don’t blog but I will certainly be taking a leaf out your book & stepping away from the I phone, I pad & lap top.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah scary isn’t it. It hard because what we do on our phones we enjoy and see it as our leisure time, but then miss out on interaction with actual people! Next step trying to make Grant put down his phone too… Xxx


  12. Oh Hannah, I’m going to miss reading about yours and Austin’s life. But I completely understand your decision , I didn’t realise how much effort and time blogging takes. I’m going back to work at the end of this month so I won’t have a lot of time to contribute to my blog as the days I have off will be spent doing other things. Your blog has been such a help to me and i’ve loved reading your posts. i’ll be sure to check in on your instagram now and again.


  13. Hannah, I am grandma age but no grandchildren … yet 😄 I have read and enjoyed all your blogs and wish that the on-line community had been around 30 years ago when I was a new mum. I think you’ve been incredibly clever in the way you’ve made Austin a brand rep and admire how you’ve connected with and supported other young mums. Of course, one of the best things about your posts have been the gorgeous photos of Austin and his cute outfits. However, I can fully understand your decision as this is such a crucial and rewarding time to spend with your family. A holiday can sometimes make you re-evaluate how you spend your time, indeed I never returned to Twitter after a holiday in September last year … and I’m still clean!! Thank you for providing such an interesting blog and I look forward to seeing you and Austin over on Instagram. Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh wow what a lovely thing to say, thank you! Thank you for reading all this time too, it’s lovely to hear who has been enjoying it 🙂
      It’s true sometimes you just need to step back and slow down. I might get to Austin’s 18th, have all the photos and writing in the world but not enough real experiences. I’m sure I’ll go back to blogging, as I love it but I’ll do it as and when I have time. Doing it to complete deadlines for brand reviews or because I felt I hadn’t blogged enough for other people isn’t the way forward to me. It takes the enjoyment out of it all and takes up far too much time.
      I’ve never pretended to be a great writer (in fact I’m pretty sure I use 4,000 commas each sentence that most certainly aren’t needed), but I enjoy it and if others enjoy reading it that makes me want to blog again, purely for that.
      Thanks so much for your lovely comments! I’m really enjoying your Iceland pics, I’ve been a few times and miss it! Such an amazing place! I hope you loved it 🙂 xx


  14. I totally understand honey, I’m not stopping completely but after accepting this week that I’m borderline PND I’m having a fortnight blogging holiday to decide how to get a better balance. I was hating myself for wanting Toby’s naps to come because I had deadlines. I know that like me, you’ve wanted to be a Mum for a very long time so we shouldn’t waste it. I’m always around if you want a chat xxx


  15. It’s so so easy to do, to just get caught up in it all! I’ve been blogging for a year and a half now, and while I used to try and post most days, I realised when my daughter was born that I needed to slow down a little, and now still try and post twice a week if I can, but don’t get too worked up about it if I don’t. It’s great fun and I love it, but it’s not worth missing out on family life! 🙂 Hope you enjoy your break, and that we actually get to see each other again soon instead of missing each other every week! 😛


  16. I think we all feel like this from time to time Hannah – I do think it is that much more difficult if you are trying to work with brands though – that is a lot of extra pressure and as you say involves this continual cycle of trying to increase your readership and boost your stats. I had this ambition to start working with brands last autumn but I just found the constant attention you need to give it and posting like, every day was impossible to keep up without massively neglecting the family. Having said that I considered the all or nothing approach and I just can’t do it – I love writing too much! Now I post maybe 2/3 Times a week – can’t see getting into the Top 500 any time soon, but it’s enough for now, and, like you, I’m proud of my blog – all the time and effort I’ve put into it.
    Anyway I’m glad I will still get to see that gorgeous little bundle of yours on FB & Instagram! Xx


  17. I completely understand your reasons for doing this Hannah. Blogging can take up so much time and end up being really stressful when its supposed to be enjoyable. I’m the same as you and have always thought when its too much I’d take a step back as my family come before anything. I’m glad your not leaving entirely though..I love your blog and would miss seeing Austins gorgeous face if that were the case! Take care of yourself and enjoy your family time hun! Xxx


  18. Dear Hannah, you have read my mind! I have just started blogging, but I fear that it will take over my life and stop me doing the fun things with my family, so I’m trying to make sure I only do it when it’s fun for me and not when it feels like a chore. So what if it’s not as successful as the super-blogs or number 1174 in the Tots100 chart, life is too short! You’re right you should enjoy your life. Our littles ones will only be little once. Good luck! Sabrina xx


  19. Really shame I only stumbled upon your blog when you decided to have a break from blogging. Great read, nice chill out time 🙂 I wish you and yours all the best and to find strength to get back here!

